Seattle Sports Complex Foundation
Formerly Friends of Southwest Tennis
Volunteers are leading an effort to bring indoor tennis to West Seattle. Creating an indoor tennis center in West Seattle will provide year-round access to tennis lessons, leagues, and playing time for people of all ages on rainy days and during the wet season (October – April) in Seattle. Providing additional recreational and athletic opportunities will benefit the overall health and wellness of our community. We are currently in search of a location.
Sports Complex Planning:
When a community expands its citizens’ access to sports participation, it establishes a virtuous circle. Playing sports provides an extraordinary opportunity for people of all ages to develop their physical prowess and personal capacities in ways that can not only prove personally transformative, but inspire and motivate others, building a community’s competence and sense of inter-connection. Creating a multi-use Athletic Complex in West Seattle, expanding access to all sorts of sports activities for Seattleites, will benefit our entire community.
Click the links below for more information about history of Indoor Tennis
“As the former Athletic Director at Chief Sealth International High School, I can speak first hand as to the value of a strong tennis program on the entire school and community. During my time at Chief Sealth, I saw tremendous growth in the tennis program there, both with recreational players joining in an effort to have fun with friends while learning a “lifetime sport” as well as competitive players who were regularly the only Seattle Public School players representing at District and State-level competition. It is at those levels where SPS student athletes are regularly matched up against more fortunate athletes that have regular access to top training and facilities.
This project would take a growing program in a revitalized neighborhood and provide top-quality facilities that would benefit current and future high school athletes as well as countless community members who would help supplement any ongoing costs by paying for rental use and lessons in what would be a true destination facility. As a current community member myself, this project has no drawbacks – it would be a true “win” for all.”
Sam Reed
Director of Athletics
Kennedy HIgh School
Number of Public indoor Courts in Seattle, Washington: 20
Number of Public Indoor Courts in
Portland, Oregon: 38